3 Keys To Optimizing Your Social Media Networks

Aliya Hammond | Social Media Strategist
November 15, 2017
Aliya Hammond

Social media is a unique marketing tool that has its pros and cons. Pros: you can easily promote your business. Cons: the algorithms of each social media platform can make it a challenge to reach your audience. However, hope is not lost. With a few tweaks to your networks, you can be marketing like a pro on your platforms.

#1: Use Appropriate Hashtags

Think of hashtags like keywords or phrases that people could use to search for your content. Those hashtags, which can now be used across most platforms, can drive traffic to your social media pages and even further — to your business.

Keep in mind that it’s important to use appropriate hashtags for your marketing. Do your research. See what hashtags your followers are using, as well as similar businesses. See if there are any trending hashtags that can be associated with your post. Once you’ve tried your hand at incorporating hashtags, you can start developing your own.

#2: Incorporate Sharing Options To Your Content

Whether it’s posting blogs or sending emails, you can incorporate social sharing to your non-platform content. According to research done by Hubspot, by incorporating these icons into your other content, you can redirect traffic and improve click-through rate in order to build a more loyal social media audience.

There are different types of social sharing buttons. Make sure you’re using the “share content” icon for your blogs and the “follow us” button for your emails. These simple buttons can help build audiences and get your messaging out to new customers.

#3: Include Fitting Visual Content

Last, but far from least, is visual content. Imagery and video can make or break your content. Hubspot released 42 statistics at the beginning of 2017 that provide clarity to just how important visual content is to your social media marketing. Here’s just a few of those stats: Tweets with images receive 150 percent more retweets than tweets without images; Facebook posts with images see 2.3x more engagement than those without images; and 76.5 percent of marketers and small business owners in a survey who have used video marketing say it had a direct impact on their business.

With that said, it’s important that the imagery and videos are the appropriate size for the platform. Unfortunately cropped or stretched images will not get you the results marketers are talking about in these surveys. Here’s a list of the sizes for the top social media platforms.

Optimizing your social media doesn’t have to be a headache. It can be the small things that make a big difference: visuals, hashtags, and opportunities to share your hard work. However, should you want to overcome the uncertainty of social media, businesses like Aliya Hammond Consulting provide social media training or network management. Whatever way you want to manage it, you can have a successful social media presence.

You’ve probably realized by now that Social Media is no longer an option. In fact, it is a vital and highly successful tool for building a business. Aliya Hammond Consulting is an online Digital Marketing, Training, and Consulting Company headquartered in the greater Philadelphia area. We specialize in Social Media Management and Marketing, Social Media Training, Blog Writing, and Graphic Design Services for small and large businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations. If you are looking to improve or increase your online presence, you can rest assured you are in good hands with us. Contact Aliya Hammond Consulting today to find out how we can help your business grow!





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